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Name: Kirsten Claire Francis

Birthday: 23 December 1991

Nickname: Kirsty

Secret super power: Muay Thai

Feel good food: Sushi

Favourite Vodacom Bulls player: Trevor Nyakane

Q1: How did you get into dancing?

KF: I started dancing when I was about 15. I’ve always loved hip hop and my mom put me in classes, which then lead to competing.

Q2: What style do you enjoy and are there any styles you struggle with?

KF: I love hip hop and Latin American. I do struggle with the more classic styles like ballet because I never took classes.

Q3: Talk us through your training sessions?

KF: In terms of training sessions for the Vodacom Bulls Babes, we have rehearsal twice a week. We start with a warm up and some conditioning such as kicks, turns and jumps. We then run through our routines and end in prayer.

Q4: What does it mean to you when you dance on Loftus Versfeld?

KF: Dancing on Loftus is such a blessing and a privilege. It’s an opportunity not many get and it makes me very happy to be on the field supporting the team and having the crowd support us as well.

Q5: What do you do besides from being a Vodacom Bulls Babe?

KF: I am a freelance dancer/artist. I also studied fashion design and I am currently working on a streetwear clothing line.

Q6: Do you believe dance can change the world for the better and if so, why?

KF: Yes, I do. Dance is not only a sport, it’s a pastime that plenty of people enjoy. It’s an activity that makes people smile and brings people together. The world is already better when people are having a great time dancing.

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